Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The story behind it all ...

Let me start off by saying that yes, this is your typical every day recipe blog. However I am not promising that you'll become some world renowned cook. So don't get your hopes up. But what I do promise is that I can turn every which one of you into at least a decent hot dog maker.

My name is Kristina, and yes, I am your typical, every day housewife. I am married to the most amazing man in the world. He is by far the greatest guinea pig for new recipes or my own concoctions I have ever seen. And surprisingly enough, he has yet to complain. However, due to him being gone serving his country at the moment, the only guinea pigs I have are my friends and my dogs. Although I'm not sure how useful they will all be.
The recipes you will see on this blog will be a mix between things you've never heard of and things that look almost inedible. But once you get the hang of it, I'm sure you'll love them and cooking.

I would like to dedicate this blog to all the wives, fiancees and girlfriends or even you loners out there ; who think they don't know, can't, or refuse to cook. And also to my dear friends, you know who you are, and my wonderful husband for always being there and supporting me on my never-ending journey into the culinary arts. And especially my dear mother. Who not only pressured me into going into the kitchen and watching her cook for hours on end, but also believed in me throughout everything I have ever done in my life. This is for you Mommy. Thank you for being amazing!

I was raised in a Ukrainian household where from the age of 6, you had to peel 4 bags of potatoes and cook a dinner large and tasteful enough to feed a small army of children, or you know, just your father and brother.
If you've ever caught yourself saying ; "This is too hard" , "What's that burning smell?" , or "F#$! this s*^$, I give up" ;  this blog is for you.

I hope you enjoy and still have have a house that is standing after attempting one of these recipes.

Now, go and COOK!

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